Put the phones away

Romance thrives, and moments live forever.

Hello, Love


Ph: Tirza van Dijk

I see this way too often when going out, especially when we’re talking about dates.

The two most gorgeous people sit next to each other, yet you cannot hear a sound.


Do they even know how cute they look together? They would probably be laughing and blushing if they looked across the table and talked to each other.

Make an effort to keep the conversation going, both of you.

Your hearts are full of stories and your minds, of memories. So open up. Discuss your favorite hobbies and your favorite music, chat about your ambitions and what you’re looking for in a partner.

I’m assuming you’ve gone out to eat, so look at the menu together. What kind of food do you like the most? Which food can you not stand?

For every question you ask, pay attention to how they respond. There are topics they will be more interested in.

What are their talents, and what are they passionate about?

I wonder what’s something they’re proud of.

If they could travel anywhere right now, where would they go?

The sunniest beach with the clearest blue water you have ever seen.



Hello, Love

Here, my thoughts and feelings take the ride of their lives.