Rating Marriage by Bedroom Activity

Judging your relationship by what is, or is not, happening in the bedroom is a mistake.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Lesli Doares

There’s nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex.

– Billy Joel

Intimacy (not just sex) is often a desired part of marriage. But judging your relationship by what is, or is not, happening in the bedroom is a mistake. Though one that is frequently and easily made. Especially by husbands.

I get it. It’s easy to quantify how often you and your wife “get busy”. But quantity does not equate to quality. And rating your marriage using only one metric is too narrow — no matter how important it is to one of you.

Yes, there seems to be a minimum amount of physical intimacy that correlates with a good relationship. But that’s a lot smaller number than you might think.

Just as making more money than about $75,000 isn’t going to make you much happier, having sex more than once a week isn’t going to increase your overall satisfaction with your marriage.

So there seems to be a minimum amount of physical intimacy associated with a good relationship. After that, it’s just icing on the cake. As long as it’s…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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