Reclaiming My Life Through Cultural Wisdom

From burnout to balance.

Tim Dahi
Hello, Love


Photo by Tahamim Islam:

I found myself spiraling into a state of severe burnout when the relentless demands of my career eroded my physical and mental well-being. I was but a shadow of my former self and I was desperate for a way out. What saved me was my ability to draw from the wisdom of diverse cultures to get on the road to a balanced life and reclaim my own life.

The depths of the burn

First, if you don’t already, you should know that burnout can sometimes creep up on you disguised as dedication or ambition: you will force yourself to endure long hours, and try to meet incessant deadlines, you will lose sleep, while an ever-present sense of inadequacy becomes your constant companion. This was my experience.

In the end, your health will most likely begin to deteriorate like mine did. And at that time, even the psychological recovery seemed to me like a distant dream, but it was a necessity I could no longer ignore.

Cultural wisdoms to the rescue

The very first thing you absolutely must do to lessen the overwhelming stress that plagues you is to learn to always anchor yourself in the present moment: a simple act of focusing on your breathing and being fully present can begin to quiet your



Tim Dahi
Hello, Love

Writer. Challenger. Live and let live advocate.