Red Flag Words in Relationship You Shouldn’t Ignore

Your partner doesn’t have the courage to tell you, so they say this instead.

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2023


A woman taking an exit
Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

“I don’t get it. Why are you with me?”, Jeff asked Annie in an emotionally heated argument over exploring couples’ therapy.

Jeff claims to having tried therapy several times before. “It didn’t work.”

My guess is that Jeff didn’t find the right therapist. Or the therapist cared more about a regular income than they did about helping Jeff. Or Jeff wanted all the work to be done for him.

“I don’t deserve you,” said Rita after every argument she had with her sweet-heart of a boyfriend.

The Monstrous Red Flag Words

I don’t deserve you. Why are you with me?

If your partner is communicating this to you at any point in your relationship, you need to pay heed.

It’s possible that you might need to reevaluate your relationship with them. Really take the time to ask yourself why you are with them when they are not sure about your presence in their life.

A mature person won’t say these words. Usually someone with deep emotional and psychological trauma would say them because…



Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)
Hello, Love

Healed from Narcissistic Abuse | Author of 📗: WIRED FOR SELF-LOVE |🎙The Relationship Academy | Free 📚: | IG & YT @latakokalofficial