Rediscover Your Marriage: The Ultimate Guide to Resetting and Renewing

Divine Marriage
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2023
Photo By Vera Arsic from Pexels

Your marriage is a thrilling journey, complete with twists, turns, and the occasional pothole.

Sometimes, life’s demands can overshadow the enchanting moments that once made your relationship shine.

But don’t worry!

Just like an intrepid explorer, you have the power to reignite the excitement and discover new horizons in your marriage.

Here’s how:

1. Create Healthy Boundaries to Increase Connection

“Creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration for boundaries, can lead you to the path of personal happiness.” — Nancy Urbach

In a world where “boundary” has become a buzzword in society, it’s vital to understand what setting healthy boundaries actually means.

Boundaries aren’t about building walls; they’re about opening doors to deeper connections and personal growth.

My favorite definition of a boundary is, “the distance at which you can simultaneously love yourself and your partner.”

Balance self-preservation with genuine connection.

Boundaries are more about guiding your actions than controlling your partner’s.

By fostering an environment of respect and clear communication, you’ll empower both yourselves to thrive as individuals and as a couple.

2. Shift Your Perspective to Transform Your Marriage

“What you think about your spouse is how you experience them.” — Jody Moore

Change begins with your thoughts.

In the 1960’s, Aaron Beck’s cognitive theory revolutionized psychology — it can revolutionize your marriage too.

According to Beck’s theories, the lenses through which you view your relationship shape your reality.

Instead of dwelling on pesky flaws, shift your focus admire each others strengths. By making small changes in your thinking, you’ll trigger a domino effect that leads to falling in love all over again.

It’s not about denying challenges; it’s about shifting your perspective to embrace the potential for growth and connection.

3. Craft Habits for Lasting Connection

“Marriage is a triumph of habit over hate” — Oscar Levant

Marriage isn’t static. It’s a dynamic dance that requires effort and intention.

Imagine your souls engaging in a synchronized dance, moving harmoniously to a melody only you can hear.

To achieve this level of connection, healthy habits are paramount.

Create habits for uninterrupted conversations, genuine listening, and small gestures of love.

These habits may seem small, but they actually fuel the fire for intimacy — creating moments that ripple into lasting memories and fun.

4. Seek Physiological Excellence to Maximize Good Feelings

“Exercise is the single best thing you can do for your brain in terms of mood, memory, and learning.” — John Ratey

According to the James-Lange Theory of Emotion, your physiology directly impacts your emotions.

Here’s what that means for you: treating your body well can lead to more positive feelings.

Taking care of your body

Just as your body responds to your emotions, your physical exertion shapes your feelings.

Embrace physiological excellence by nurturing your body — exercise, eat well, and find activities that energize you.

As you treat your body like a superstar, your mind follows suit, nurturing positive vibes that enhance the energy you bring to your marriage.


Rediscovering your marriage isn’t about returning to the past; it’s about rekindling the flame that burns within you both.

Armed with the tools of healthy boundaries, a shift in perspective, science-backed habits, and the wisdom of emotional maturity, you’re poised to embark on a transformative journey.

Embrace the adventure that is your marriage.

With each intentional choice, you’ll be one step closer to a partnership that shines brighter than ever before.

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