Relational Equilibrium
It will help you overcome the implicit hierarchy hurting your relationship.
After 13 years of marriage and working with hundreds of couples, I believe that the basis of most relationship struggles comes down to… hierarchy.
Psychological Patriarchy
Psychological patriarchy expresses itself in the labeling of certain traits as masculine ( confidence, power, dominance) and feminine (connection, empathy, feelings) and valuing masculine traits above feminine ones. Psychological patriarchy also leads to a rigid, binary view of partners being either a winner or loser, up or down, dominant or submissive.
As with fish in water, we are blind to the psychological patriarchy we’re swimming in. Our capitalistic society is built on hierarchy, competition, and scarcity. This binary world view ultimately leads to hierarchy in relationships.
Hierarchical Relationships
Where there is hierarchy there is no partnership. — Galit Romanelli
Hierarchy appears in almost every level of our relationships. Couples set up a hierarchical 95/70 dynamic in relationships. When a couple begins to solidify their relationship, they implicitly and unconsciously divide up who will be better (95%) and who…