Relationships Are Not Like Wrestling Matches

Love is not pain.

Chris Wojcik
Hello, Love


Photo by Joe Hernandez on Unsplash

I started wrestling when I was 12, and since then combat sports has been the center of my world. Everything (I mean, everything) has revolved around grappling, training, and winning titles.

One thing that happens when you grow up in the world of combat sports and martial arts is that you’re constantly encouraged to draw comparisons between your sport and your life.

In some cases, this great, because life is a lot like a wrestling match sometimes. I’ve written about this quite a bit, and so have the stoics. The give and take and micro battles required to progress through life are a lot like the battles you might face in trying a wrestling match. Building a business, improving yourself, and acquiring skills, for example, are pursuits that are a lot like a wrestling match.

However, not everything in life is a wrestling match. That’s been a rude awakening for me. My own tendency to view combat sports as a metaphor for life has gotten me into quite a bit of trouble lately. Especially in love.

Love Is Not Pain

Between trying to advance my career, training to become a Jiu-Jitsu world champion, and improving myself personally, I’m involved in personal struggles throughout most of my day. I tend to get lost in…

