Say Yes to the Dress — and the Pre-Nup

How to ask for a pre-nup without upsetting your partner, and what to do if your partner won’t discuss a pre-nup.

Lee Bidoski
Hello, Love


A man’s hand holds a pen. He is signing some documents that are on a table.
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

I wrote a series a while back weighing the pros and cons of getting married. Quite a few readers were against marriage. For some, the rationale for being anti-marriage was that they got financially tore up in their divorces so didn’t want to risk that happening again.

If your fear of getting financially devastated in a divorce is what’s preventing you from getting married, hang on a minute.

Maybe it’s time to consider a pre-nuptial agreement — a pre-nup — so you can have the best of both worlds — a marriage, but without the fear and stress of being broke should you get divorced.

With a pre-nup, you can iron out all the financial details of who gets what if you were to divorce — before you ever get married.

Personally, I’m pro pre-nup. About 42%* of adults in the United States think a pre-nup is a good idea, too. So why, then, do…



Lee Bidoski
Hello, Love

I’m a psychology professor trying to understand and improve our lives. Relationships | Dating | Health | Careers | Sports | Law Enforcement | Military