Seven Hidden Dangers of Using Money to Attract Women

It can cost you everything, literally.

Tee Mugayi
Hello, Love


Woman going shopping with reluctat partner
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

There is no denying it. Money makes the world go around. We need it to pay for everything — from necessities like food and shelter to non-essentials such as leisure products or jewelry.

Since we need money for just about everything in life, does that mean guys should go about using money to buy relationships and sex?

The answer to that question would be an unequivocal no, and here is why.

1. You will become a gold digger magnet

If I had to pick one reason why leading with your wallet when dating is a bad idea, it would be gold-diggers. These are the women who get with guys not for love but for the social and economic benefits.

The sad part is most men who fall prey to this type of person are unaware they are being taken advantage of. They cannot distinguish between genuine love versus the fake love gold diggers feign to keep the money flowing.

And don’t think for a minute you need to be a man of means to attract a gold-digger. There are different levels to the game of finessing men out of their hard earned money. Some will go for the super-wealthy, while others will settle for the average joe.



Tee Mugayi
Hello, Love

Freelance designer/artist, a private pilot who enjoys exploring my thoughts and ideas through the written medium.