Seven Reasons Why I Am Not in a Relationship

And maybe why you shouldn’t be either.

Chelsea Wong
Hello, Love


I have lived my entire 20 years of life, single. I know I haven’t lived very long, but honestly, I am quite happy being a single pringle. In fact, I am quite thankful that I have never been in a relationship. Quite frankly, I have other things going on that a relationship would only get in the way of that. I have goals that are important to me, time that I can’t give to a relationship and to be quite selfish, I’m still working on myself so that I am the best version of me. Until then, how can I be in a relationship? And so being in a relationship has just never been a priority of mine. And this is why.

1. My Future Comes First

Love is a scary thing. Relationships are intense. They aren’t meant to be easy. And I have too much going on in my life right now that ‘isn’t easy’ to focus on a relationship. I’m in my third year of university, an important and challenging stage of my education.

As horrible as it sounds, I will never put anyone before my future. Because whoever I’m with should be supportive of what I become or am. What happens in my next few years could make or break my future. Being in a relationship right now, for me would 100% break it. I’m not saying it is the same for everyone, I respect the people…



Chelsea Wong
Hello, Love

22 | British Hong Konger | Writer for RARE Youth Revolution | Lupus | Mental Health | Lifestyle | Travel and Culture | Relationships