Should I Go Through My Boyfriend’s Phone?

Are you paranoid or is it justified to violate your partner's trust?

Niki Marinis
Hello, Love


Katie Dutch — used with permission

God, it’s so tempting. He left his laptop open to his email and Facebook. He fell asleep in one room and his phone is in the next. He left town to visit family for a few days and you want to rifle through his closet. You’re dying to dig through his business.

Before you dive in you might want to think twice.

Not only will snooping make you look like a raving lunatic to your unsuspecting boyfriend, but you’ll also drive yourself crazy and do irreparable damage to your relationship.

What are you looking for?

Before you go scouring through his text messages it’s important to ask yourself a few questions: What are you looking to find? And more importantly, why are you suspicious in the first place?

Do you have the sneaking suspicion he’s not telling you something? Or are you just inclined to overstep your boundaries?

If you truly feel you have something to worry about and feel completely justified in rummaging around in his things, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your relationship.

It’s all out of context



Niki Marinis
Hello, Love

Weird Girl, thrift store owl collector, heartbreaker, lush, aspiring adult. IG: DocJohnnyFever