Solutions for Trauma Recovery After Dating a F-Boy Or F-Baddie

Don’t trust the dopamine rush. Lean into the healing to not repeat heartbreak cycles into your 30s and 40s.

Annie Wegner
Hello, Love


Dopamine is a most addictive drug.

You will learn to lesson and still repeat the mistakes. It’s essential to stop feeding these receptors. If not, you will give years of your life to people who don’t deserve you.

There are solutions to recover from toxic relationships. Try these and avoid the quick highs of low-quality partners.

#1. You are the only one who can complete yourself. People add to or take from where you are in life.

Be in control of your pain.

Remember, you can do “bad” alone. If a person often disrespects you, protect yourself by breaking off the relationship. You can stop this individual from destroying your mental health. You can control how much a breakup hurts by choosing how you move on. Stop placing your peace into the care of others.

#2. Think about your values to create support for your boundaries.

