Tell Gas Station Gary He Can Fill Her Up Anytime

He can come fill me up next: the not-so-secret tale of a drive-by crush.

Michelle Marie Warner
Hello, Love


Photo by Pexels on Pixabay

There’s a new gas station attendant at my local Chevron. His name is Gary*, which is pretty much all I know about him. He’s got dreamy hazel eyes and always breaks into a sexy smile when he’s filling my tank. I can’t tell if he’s flirting or unwittingly looks at everyone that way. I know he works on weekday mornings, so I time my fill-ups accordingly.

I have a knack for striking up interesting conversations with random or regular people in my life. He’s one of them. Today, my goal was to find out more about Gary.

I volunteered that I hike daily, and he mentioned getting back on his mountain bike. He likes to trail ride. When I asked if he rides where I go, he said that he likes to hit the upper trail where he’s not supposed to, and that people don’t like that very much. Oh, Gary, you rule breaker, you.

As I gaze at his suspiciously hunting-inspired raincoat (it’s camouflaged and we live in Oregon), I force myself to not pay attention to the flags he’s flying. He’s got all three right now — red, yellow, and green. But I only focus on those green eyes and the flag to match. And green means go, you know.



Michelle Marie Warner
Hello, Love

Writer of all things personal, socially conscious, sensitive AF, single LGBTQIA+ mom. Ready to bite off more than I've been chewing.