Ten Most Vital Emotional Needs in a Marriage

Behind every successful man should be an admiring wife — and vice versa.

David Onu, MD
Hello, Love


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Marriage works well only when partners try to understand each other well. Emotional needs in marriages are the deepest desires of spouses. Therefore, satisfying your partner’s essential needs will benefit your significant relationship immensely.

It will fuel romantic love and reduce your chances of getting a divorce.

The greatest marriages are built on teamwork, a mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration and a never-ending portion of love and grace.

Fawn Weaver

I adapted ideas in this post from “His needs, her needs” book by Willard F. Harley, Jr. (No affiliation, just respect for a great author). Of course, I’ve added on my own lived experience.

1. Intimate conversation

Intimate conversation is cardinal to a good marriage and is an intense desire of women. It is the art of talking about and listening to whatever the other person has to say.

Therefore, you should give each other undivided attention and avoid unnecessary interruptions. Also, avoid…



David Onu, MD
Hello, Love

I’m an Australian Specialist Medic who inspires people through my writing to grow their relationships, whether married or single and be healthy. davidonu.com