The 14 Things She Needs From You to Feel Safe

Because it’s the most important thing.

Julie Lynn
Hello, Love


For a woman, a sense of emotional safety is paramount to the success of a relationship. Feeling safe with her partner is crucial to her well-being, and it serves as the foundation of the relationship.

And just as important, she needs to feel safe with you in order for her to be able to meet your needs.

If your actions undermine her sense of safety, she may not consciously realize that she feels unsafe, but unconsciously she will. And over time, the lack of safety will cause her to lose respect, admiration, and sexual desire for you. As those things are highly important to men in relationships, once they are lost, the relationship will crumble.

Therefore, ensuring she feels safe with you is important for both of you.

These are the 14 things she needs from you to feel safe.

Your Integrity

She needs to know that you are a man of your word and that your solid character permeates all aspects of your life. She needs to be sure you will always do the right thing even if you know you could do the wrong thing and not get caught.

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