The 20 Laws of Fighting Fair in a Relationship

Conflicts generally stir up strong feelings especially anger.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Raymond Michael

Being humans, having conflicts is inevitable whether it be in a new or a long-term relationship. People will always disagree about their ideas, perceptions, desires, and values. One antidote to stop conflicts from wreaking havoc in your loving relationship is the concept of fighting fair with your partner.

At times these disagreements can be over trivial stuffs while at other times, they could be major disagreements. But regardless of which type they are, conflicts generally stir up strong feelings especially anger.

During periods of disagreements, it is easy for you to feel angry and hurt. The fact is that there’s nothing wrong with getting angry, the problem is with how the anger is handled.

First things first, let’s be clear about “fight” or “fighting fair” in this post. These terms are strictly referring to the act of an individual expressing their disagreement or anger to another individual in a constructive manner. At no time should physical altercations, abusive outbursts or emotional diatribes be considered as “fighting fair.”

You fight unfairly with your partner when you use negative means to get your point…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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