The 3 Common Mistakes That Men Make to Ruin a Great Relationship

Closing down connections is often the comfort zone for many men, but that lack of connection is what will eventually have her packing a bag.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Steffo Shambo

What is it that turns a great relationship sour?

It is a question that many men will find themselves asking at some point. One minute you are the living embodiment of love’s young dream. The next she is packing a small bag and calling a cab.

The Blame Game

When relationships do start to fail, the immediate initial response from many men is to start blaming the other person. “She changed”. “She was different when we first met”. That makes it about her, rather than him.

What men don’t ask themselves often enough is one critical question.

“Why has she changed?” Or more precisely, “What are the things that I HAVE DONE which have caused this person to change?”

I have spent 20 years working with men on relationship issues, and one of the key things I always stress is the importance of ownership, — both owning their behavior, and also owning how it impacts on their partner.



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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