The 4 Levels of Conversation: A Guide to Effective Communication in Relationships

The importance of identifying different levels of conversation in a relationship .

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Corinne Farago

Conversations in a couple’s life together range from the profound to the mundane. One moment we need to talk about who’s taking the kids to school, and the next we’re needing to share our deepest fears and longings.

There’s a time and place for all of it.

It would be exhausting if every conversation with our partner was about processing feelings and deeply probing our emotions. It would be equally unsatisfying for every conversation to skim the surface of life focusing on practicalities and tasks.

Being able to identify different levels of conversation can help couples communicate more effectively.

When couples can identify the different kinds of conversation available to them, they can become more intentional about what level of conversation is needed in the moment and how to respond to it. This can help them communicate more clearly, set expectations for that conversation, and avoid misunderstandings that lead to conflict.

Consider using the short-forms Level 1–4 next time you want to converse with…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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