The Best Explanation of Why You Feel Chemistry with Someone, According to Brain Research

It’s not necessarily a good sign in dating.

Anja Vojta, MSc
Hello, Love


Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Have you ever walked into a room and felt so magnetically drawn to someone, that you couldn’t take your eyes off of them?

Studies have shown that it takes only a few milliseconds for you to decide whom you find attractive. The “chemistry” you feel doesn’t come from anywhere. It refers to an actual biochemical process in your body.

Discovering the following brain research finally helped me understand what this magical feeling is and why we feel it. It will also help you rethink if you want to choose your partner based on chemistry.

Your Human of Choice Represents an Unconscious Reward

“The brain activity of a person in love is like that of a drug addict craving his next fix.

— Louann Brizendine, neuropsychiatrist

Simply said, seeing someone that you are attracted to activates your brain’s reward center. It signals to it that a desirable reward was created. Neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine are released, which make you feel incredibly…



Anja Vojta, MSc
Hello, Love

Love coach & Break-Up Expert. I help you regain confidence & happiness in your life ❤