The Best Lifestyle Article About Love, Relationships, And Dating

It is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do in your life

Godwin Etim
Hello, Love
9 min readNov 18, 2022


What does your love life look like? Are you in the process of finding that special someone or are you looking to expand your current relationship? Maybe you’re even looking to find love online, but don’t know where to start! Whatever your goals are, we have the perfect summary of articles and lifestyle tips to help you out quickly. From posts about dating and relationships, to finding love online, we’ve got you covered. Check out our recommendations below.

Photo by Rhand McCoy on Unsplash

How to Fall In Love With Yourself First

Learning to love yourself is an important step in any relationship because you need to be whole and happy before you can fill that space with someone else. You deserve to be treated well by yourself and others. If you are looking for some tips on how to fall in love with yourself first, here are a few:
- Give Yourself Time — Don’t rush into a new relationship because you think it will fix your unhappiness or loneliness. Take time for yourself and do the things that make you happy. Remember that you have something special inside of you and there is no shame in falling in love with yourself. It’s not easy but so worth it when we start to feel better about ourselves from the inside out. So get going and find ways to fall in love with yourself!

Don’t Neglect your Friends — While you may feel like pulling away from your friends when you first start falling in love with someone, try not to fall into that trap. Your friends have been there since day one and helped to shape who you are today. Don’t throw them under a bus because of a new love interest or relationship. Maintain relationships with your friends by making time for hang outs and taking care of yourself.

How to Know If You’re Ready for a Relationship

When you’re ready to take the next step in a relationship, it’s important to know what you’re looking for. In order to find out if you’re ready for a relationship, answer these questions:

  • What do you want from your future partner?
  • What is your definition of a successful relationship?
  • How will your current partner feel about this new person in your life
  • Who are the people in your life who have been important to you and who will be supportive of this decision?
  • What does family mean to you and how much time do you spend with them now?
  • How would this new relationship affect those family relationships?
  • How would this new relationship impact your work or school schedule?

Use the questions above to keep inventory on you state of mind as it regards to relationships. Make sure you do everything you can to maintain your personal health and happiness before getting into a serious romantic relationship. Sometimes dating multiple people helps us figure out what we want and who we want it with so we don’t get stuck in unfulfilling relationships that keep us from moving forward in our lives. Do what works for you! Remember: when it comes to finding love and making relationships work, there’s no one size fits all. Whatever happens with your romantic life — whether it’s blossoming into new love or ending in heartbreak — the most important thing is feeling happy and healthy along the way.

How to Have a Successful Long Distance Relationship

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you know how much effort it takes to make things work. You have to be creative about how you spend your time together and maintain the connection by not just relying on texts and Facetime or Skype conversations.
Planning a day when both of you can get together might seem like an impossible task with all the other commitments you’re juggling and of course the distance between you two. But if you plan ahead, the day will be more enjoyable and less stressful — plus it will help keep your sanity intact!

Here are some ideas for what to do on your long-distance date:

  1. Invite one another over for dinner at one person’s place. One person cooks while the other sets up their home theater system with good food and entertainment in advance so they have everything ready to go once their guest arrives. Bring candles, flowers, and wine, and set up a tablecloth. Make sure this is at least three months before one of you has a birthday so that each person gets to celebrate too!
    2) Cook dinner together online via Skype or FaceTime video chat session so that each person feels like they are cooking for themselves as well as their partner.
    3) Send postcards from where you live back home via snail mail instead of emails or text messages so that there is something tangible from where you live now.

How to Survive a Breakup

It’s not easy to survive a breakup. It is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do in your life. You’re going to feel sad and you’re going to feel angry. But it won’t always be that way so try to focus on all the good memories you had with this person instead of feeling sorry for yourself. They are a big part of your past so don’t forget about them just because they’re not in your present or future.

It takes time to learn how to survive a breakup but there are ways you can speed up that process. The best thing you can do is keep busy. So fill your schedule with activities such as working out, going on dates with new people and hanging out with old friends. With so many social plans on your schedule you will have no time to wallow in sadness. What’s more, if you don’t let yourself dwell on what happened then you will find closure much faster than if you constantly think about the ending. Another thing you should do is talk to someone every day- even if it’s just five minutes of venting over coffee with a close friend. Talking helps get everything off your chest and brings some clarity into what happened between the two of you. Lastly, make sure that when it comes to other people romantically, to not date anyone for at least three months after the break-up. That gives enough time for those feelings from before to die down without rushing into anything else too quickly.

How to Date Successfully As an Introvert

Dating can be hard for anyone. But it can be especially difficult for introverts. Here are a few pointers to help you date successfully as an introvert. First of all, don’t beat yourself up if your date doesn’t go well. Sometimes people just don’t click and there’s no reason why they should. If you’re feeling frustrated with the dating process, remind yourself that this too shall pass.
When going on a first date with someone new, prepare ahead of time by telling yourself what type of person would work best for you and what you want in the relationship before heading out on the date.

Just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t be romantic. A quiet first date is good practice for when you go out with someone again and there’s already a foundation of attraction in place. If things go well on your date, don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t lead to anything further. Not every romantic spark turns into a full-blown relationship. Learn from each experience and move on if something’s not working for you or if your partner isn’t feeling it too.

How to Be More Confident When Dating.

Dating can be a nerve-wracking experience. It’s easy to get caught up in the butterflies of new love and forget about your own needs. Remember to take care of yourself first. Be confident in yourself and your decisions. You deserve to have someone who will support you and respect you for who you are. If they don’t want to do that, then don’t waste your time on them.
If you feel like the only thing holding you back is self doubt, try one of these confidence boosting tips:
- Speak positively about yourself even if it feels fake at first
- Ask questions and express interest in what he has to say
- Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses when you think of things that make you unique
When dating, know what is important to you and remember that it’s okay to put those things ahead of another person. If they really love and appreciate you for who you are then they’ll let go of whatever might be getting between the two of y’all.

How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship

Communication is a key element in any relationship. It’s how you share your thoughts and feelings with one another. How to communicate effectively in a relationship is a question many people ask themselves. To help us answer this question, we reached out to an expert who specializes in the field of psychology. Read on to find out her tips for effective communication in a relationship:
We tend to be more open and forthcoming with our emotions when we’re feeling safe. That means that it’s important for couples to create an atmosphere where they can feel safe enough to be honest about their feelings. This means having healthy conflict discussions, respecting each other’s needs, listening empathically, validating emotions and being available emotionally.

Being honest about your feelings is important when it comes to how to communicate effectively in a relationship. This means communicating during conflict and providing an outlet for expression. There are several ways that you can do so: writing down your thoughts; talking things through with a friend or therapist; or journaling about how you’re feeling. Consider scheduling check-in conversations with your significant other and always be sure to end on a positive note.

How to Keep the Spark Alive in a Long-Term Relationship

Keeping the spark alive in a long-term relationship can be challenging. It’s easy to get used to the other person’s habits and start taking each other for granted. Making small changes to your routine to keep things fresh can help you feel closer than ever. Here are five ways you can keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship -Try something new once a month: You might have been married or dating for years but you still have different interests and hobbies. One of the best ways to make sure both people stay engaged is by trying something new every month. Whether it’s learning how to play tennis or going on a hiking trip, try something that keeps things interesting in your relationship. If you’re feeling like there’s no activity outside of the bedroom to excite either one of you, this may be a sign that it’s time to find someone who can provide excitement.
*Wear matching clothes: While some couples find this juvenile, others really enjoy the bonding experience that comes from wearing matching clothes. Try to think about what type of couple you are when considering whether or not to match up your outfits with your significant other.
*Spend quality time together:
In order to keep the fire burning hot, always make an effort to spend quality time together. With today’s busy schedules, many couples barely see each other during the week let alone on weekends. Finding 20 minutes to talk over coffee or walk around your neighbourhood hand-in-hand can go a long way towards keeping the relationship strong.
*Stay in touch during work hours: When we’re not at home and we miss our partner, it’s natural to text them to say hi. But if you do that all day, then they’ll never miss you because they know they’ll hear from you soon enough. To avoid getting texts all day long, set aside a certain amount of time each day where you agree not to contact the other person unless there’s an emergency. A great idea would be if one person texts first thing in the morning before starting their workday and again right before bedtime.


If you’re looking for a wide variety of lifestyle articles about love, relationships, and dating then you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re looking for something silly or serious, there’s an article for everyone. We hope that these articles have helped you in some way or another. Let us know if we can help out with anything else by commenting below.

