The Biggest Misconception About Love

It’s not as “pretty” as you think.

Hello, Love


Photo by Fransiskus Filbert Mangundap on Unsplash

You’ve never experienced love until you’ve accepted it in full. Love is raw and ugly. Love is beautiful and harmless. Love is storms and sun. Love is a voyage and detours. Love is light and dark. Love is what we make it and what we don’t. Love is innocent and guilty. Love is possible but rare.

Love is so many things, not just one.

The word “love” is used so loosely that it’s lost its value. Many people haven’t experienced love like they thought they have. We think we’ve felt it but never even came close. We may love the surface of people and/or things but rarely do we love deep. I mean real, uncut, and unconditional love. Do you know what love really feels like?

Love Has Many Masks

Relationships are hard. That’s very cliché of me to say but it is the hardcore truth. Friends, family, lovers, or yourself, it doesn’t matter. It is difficult to really love someone, even if that someone is you. Love means through all trials and through all joy. “I will love all of you even if you’re flawed.”

It’s understandable that many of us would rather take a person for their best days versus their worst days because they’re easier to deal with. Never be ashamed to admit that…



Hello, Love

University of Washington Alumni | Critical thinker | Artist | Editor of Wreader | Writer for The Ascent, Hello, Love, Illumination, and More |