the bones of it

Yet another breakup poem

Julia Rose
Hello, Love
1 min readNov 3, 2021


Photo by Ella Baxter on Unsplash

I thought the bones of it

were good

after all, the signs were there

the loving connection, eye contact, the tension, Brené Brown mention, therapeutic past, and a spoken commitment to partnership


that’s what we said we both wanted

now I don’t know about you but the partner I seek wouldn’t just up and walk away, they stay

they stay and they work

cause it works

and we did.

and after all that,

are the signs waiting in the shadows

lying in the wings to take flight?

soaring high above the trees

elated, alive


are the signs there, are they better than me?
do they know something I don’t?

or has the final curtain really taken its fall?

if that’s the case, then sleep tight, my love, as I tuck you in firm and turn for the darkness

cause after all that, I lie confused

as mouths close and minds race with what’s unseen


all the while you leave your baggage where it doesn’t belong

how could you?

you buried me alive

without so much as a nod

I guess we’ll lay the bones of it

to rest

after all.



Julia Rose
Hello, Love

I write about relationships, self-development, growth (& sometimes writing, how meta). Support me here: