The Complete 6-Step Guide To Attract Almost Any Woman You Want

No matter your age, income level or looks.

Jonathan Peykar
Hello, Love
5 min readAug 14, 2023


Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

I was the classic high school nerd. I wore glasses, lacked confidence, and sometimes hung around other nerds. Fast forward twelve years later, and I’m living a different life. My scarcity mindset vanished. My self-esteem rocketed. And I’m no longer wearing glasses :)

Here’s what I did to transform (read all the life lessons I learned here)

1. Choose to be courageous

Most people won’t change. Not because they can’t but because they don’t want to. A friend of mine keeps making excuses for his problems, no matter how hard you try to help him. He has a problem for every solution. He won’t take a single step forward.

“I like the way I am,” he says.

Change can be scary. You choose to abandon the familiar and dive into foreign waters. Uncertainty comes into play. You start risking things. You think, “What if women will reject me?”

You can only blame your environment or your past so much. Your parents mistreated you. Your friends are idiots. You grew up poor. Ok.

The truth is, you can choose to make a change. And that requires courage.

Something will have to change if you can’t attract the women you want. You have to think differently. Act different. Maybe even look different. It doesn’t mean you’ll change “who you are”. But you’ll have to do other things to get different results.

2. Attract like James Bond

The million-dollar question always was, “How do I make these girls like me??” You don’t do it by memorizing some routines or pickup lines or trying to manipulate women into bed with all sorts of attitudes.

Attraction happens when you feel good enough, without self-doubt. When you talk to women with a sense of fullness, a calm sense of confidence you put out, they feel it right away. Even the less experienced girls can pick on your vibe.

Imagine this: You walk up to a group of girls at the bar and start talking. You might feel some pressure, but you’re relieved after a few seconds. You talk, and everybody can feel your presence. You got a smile on your face. You’ve got their attention.

You start expressing yourself freely with a full range of emotions, and women start reacting to you. They smile. They laugh. They feel intrigued to contribute to the conversation.

This is how it happens in real life. And even then, these girls aren’t “attracted” to you right away. It’s more like a spark of interest.

When you constantly work through challenges, your self-esteem goes up in all areas, and it naturally bleeds into your relationship with women.

3. Lack of comfort kills

Until age 26, I thought it was all about attraction. It’s not. Girls go out and sleep with men they are comfortable with. When a girl is overly attracted to a guy, she might fuck it up because she’s nervous. She rejects herself the same way men do.

When you’re a normal guy who wants the best for people around him, it’s easy to make others feel good about you. I say “normal” because most men act stupid with women. They use routines or “attraction methods” to cover up their insecurities.

They have “I MUST GET LAID” written all over them. Women sense that and feel pressured as a result.

Let go of all outcomes. Show interest and appreciate the girl you’re with. Let her know you like being with her. This advice alone can transform your dating life.

4. Dress and look the part

You don’t have to become a fashionista, but you gotta get this right. You can’t walk around with an old shirt or jeans that don’t fit. Or dirty shoes. Or with your beard untrimmed.

This stuff matters. Women take a look at those things. You want to look fresh, clean, and confident.

With clothing, make sure you get the fit and colour right. Then groom yourself properly- shave or trim your beard, and choose a clean haircut which flatters your face (advise your barber).

Consider working out. You don’t have to look like a bodybuilder, but looking like you give a damn won’t heart. Lifting weights is best, in my opinion. A good diet and exercise, even twice a week, can do wonders.

5. How to talk to anyone

Learn how to deal with your anxieties. Your anxieties are natural, so don’t give yourself a hard time for it. When you’re out, baby-step your interactions. You don’t have to approach the hottest group of girls at the bar first.

Talk to the bartender. Talk with the girls in line to get in. Have a chat with your friends and relax. Have a drink (don’t get drunk).
Slowly open yourself up and get into a talkative mood. The more experience you gain long-term, the easier it’ll be to relax.

Second, learn how to talk. I always keep it simple and fun when I approach. “What are you drinking?”
“I like the way you dance”
“We’re robbing a bank tonight. We’re looking for a driver”.

Lite comments like these break the ice quickly and help everyone feel at ease. I look for a little way in there and then follow up with more comments. I ask questions, tell my story, and make the girl feel appreciated.

6. Court women

Most men don’t make an effort to court the girls they want. “If she’s interested, she got my number. If not, then whatever!”

Listen. Women want you to court them. It’s a test- the test of time. Are you willing to invest in them? Or you just wanna bang? The latter is fair. However, that attitude decreases your chances for success. Even the “easy girls” don’t want to feel easy. They want to feel like ladies and be treated with respect.

All you have to do is try again. Approach her at the bar again. Ask her out again. Do it 3–4 times, then let go if she’s not into you. You’ll easily double your results. And try to be creative about it. Text on WhatsApp, call her, and even email just for fun. Mix it up. Keep your courting unexpected.

Conclusion: forget the outcome and repeat the process

The key to all this is not to get attached to a result. It’s ok wanting to get laid or have a relationship, of course. But constant desire can put you in a loop of frustration. Go out to the world and make your efforts. Then let go. Let the universe help you “get lucky”. Then repeat until successful. If you learn from your mistakes, it’s only a matter of time before you win.

Get my free ebook, “Life Lessons From Getting Rejected by Hundreds Of Women.”



Jonathan Peykar
Hello, Love

I share top shelf nuggets about marketing and self-improvement