The Danger of Hiding Your Imperfections in Dating

The sooner you show someone who you really are, the quicker you know if they accept you for who you are.

Colin Zhang
Hello, Love


Me: I started college in 2009

Her: I thought you were just a kid!

Me: How come? I’m a big boy now.

Her: Not yet a man.

It didn't feel good being judged for something I’m insecure about. I don’t mind revealing my age. My ‘babyface’ is the issue. I fear her ghosting me or saying “see ya!” at any moment. But since I’m taking this romantic opportunity seriously, there’s no reason to hide any parts of myself.

Most of us avoid the risk of losing someone by covering up our undesirable traits. It’s especially true for women, as they’re usually uncomfortable sharing things about them that might chase a guy off. Hence, they work hard to become everything that a man would want. But at some point, it’s necessary to let their hair down, figuratively and literally.

I thought about giving her a disclaimer beforehand

My ‘childface’ is only one of my many insecurities. I’ve considered warning her about all of my flaws to lower her expectations of me, so she won’t drop me an instant after…

