The Difference Between Compatible and Incompatible Relationships

Being in a relationship that just works made me realize how much energy my previous ones took

Heiki Kohal
Hello, Love


Photo courtesy of the author

I’ve been a fighter for as long as I can remember. I used to fight for my rights, against injustice in the lives of myself and others, and for every bad relationship I was in.

I didn’t give up — even if it made me exhausted, sick, or broke.

I took great pride in my perseverance and courage to push against difficulties.

But, if only I had known better…

Thankfully, I do now. Namely, I figured out the concept of compatibility.

As Deb Caletti said,

“A good relationship is where things just work.”

Which doesn’t mean you get away without investing in the relationship. And, you still need to overcome misunderstandings, deal with moods, and other trivia. But there is no need to strain yourself to keep it together.

Generally, the relationship aspect of your life should be easy and you ought to feel secure.

In incompatible relationships, however, things are different. Life’s constantly hard — one way or the other. Meaning, whenever…



Heiki Kohal
Hello, Love

Former PT & non-native speaker of English who’s trying to make life hard for himself by writing in his third language.