The Four Stages Of Trust — What Level Is Your Relationship?

What score would you give your partner?

Kristina God, MBA
Hello, Love


The Four Stages Of Trust — What Level Is Your Relationship; Kristina God; Wedding photo created by freepic.diller

Person 1 (P1): Do you actually trust me?

Person 2 (P2): No.

P1: … okay… why not?

P2: I don’t really know you yet. But on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means ‘not at all’ and 10 means ‘fully’, I trust you already… with a ‘3’.

P1: But that’s not much. How do I get you to give me a higher score?

P2: By your intentions. Let’s focus on us and make our ‘plant’ grow. Then my trust will come.

Such was the conversation between me and my former boyfriend on one of our first dates. Does this sound familiar to you?

This boyfriend went on to become my husband and we’ll soon be celebrating our 10th anniversary together. He wasn’t happy with my answer then but he is now. As time has passed, I’d give him a ‘9’. Why only a ‘9’, you might think? I’ll explain.

Trustworthiness is more important for me than being sexy

When I dated men in the past and wanted to get to know them better, I retrospectively noticed there were several points that were important to me then. I liked:

  • how they looked



Kristina God, MBA
Hello, Love

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