The Hidden Costs of Divorce

What no one tells you you might lose.

Kyra Johnson
Hello, Love


Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

When you get divorced, you expect that your financial situation may change. You might have to share accumulated retirement accounts or pay spousal support or split off savings accounts. You might have to sell your house and move if neither partner can or wants to buy out the other from the title of the house.

It also costs a buttload (that’s the technical number) in legal fees if the divorce is contested, or there is a lengthy custody battle. Even if you decide to split rather amicably and go through mediation, you’re still looking at $5000–6000 dollars in court fees.

You may plan for these expected costs, and prepare to pay them.

But here are the losses that no one discusses:

You might lose your friends.
Even those who were your friends before you met your spouse. Even if you don’t talk about your divorce (and really, it’s difficult not to in the early days when it’s the single biggest thing going on in your life at the moment.) Many people just can’t handle you at your saddest or most frustrated. Or they can’t bear the thought of choosing sides (and they feel they have to). Or they have their own stresses and don't have the bandwidth. Or they think divorce is contagious, and listening to you examine the factors that lead to yours…



Kyra Johnson
Hello, Love

Writer, entrepreneur, and dedicated explorer of enchanting moments. She has contributed to Huffington Post, The LA Times, The Boston Globe, Redbook, and more