The Impact of Weaponizing Psychological Terms in Relationships

Maybe they’re not selfish sociopaths or narcissists, Maybe we all are just human beings struggling.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Mayda Reyes

Lately, I’ve noticed a trend that’s been capturing my attention. Every morning I wake up to a lot of WhatsApp messages from friends and students, filling me in on the latest in their lives, particularly regarding their relationships and dating experiences. Interestingly, the majority, if not all, of these messages come from women. Today, I want to shed light on this phenomenon because I believe it’s crucial for men to grasp what’s happening on this side of the court, as it’s deeply affecting them.

These messages often revolve around psychological labels:

- “Do you think he’s a narcissist?”

- “He’s clearly exhibiting avoidant behavior.”

- “Maybe he’s on the spectrum.”

- “He’s got commitment issues.”

During breakups, the tone can become even harsher:

- “He’s definitely a psychopath.”

- “He’s emotionally disconnected.”

- “He’s borderline.”



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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