The Ingenious Design Feature of Feminine Intuition

Why dating advice has such limited effects.

Luan Hassett
Hello, Love


Photo by Kalea Jerielle on Unsplash

The design of the female sensory system has outwitted the evolutionary psychologists.

You will have been advised to “demonstrate value” and value will probably have been defined as exhibiting genes which are likely to be successful in future generations of offspring.

So a man takes the prescriptions given to him by his dating coach and he goes out to talk to women.

He is told to say this, don’t say that, give off the right energy, compliment her on these five things but not those three things (which women HATE the most), employ a tonality that goes downward at the end of sentences, use this amount of eye contact, etc, etc.

If his dating coach is clever, the coach will tell him to use these instructions lightly, so as not to come off as scripted.

His coach will tell him to be in the moment.

To be fair, part of talking to women is a skill, and since a skill is a set of behaviours refined toward attaining an outcome, these instructions have some relevance.

But there is an enormous pitfall. It’s a pitfall large enough to outweigh the benefit of every possible instruction a person could assemble. That pitfall is…

