The Kind of Man I Want to Meet After My Divorce

5 Things that are my definite deal-breakers.

Colleen Sheehy Orme
Hello, Love


Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

It took me a long time to feel ready to date.

At times, I’m still not sure I really am. But I’m definitely making progress. I no longer joke with my boys that if they get married I’ll throw my body across the altar.

C’mon that’s some forward movement, isn’t it?

Regardless, I think the idea of remarrying is crazy talk.

I know, I’m a unicorn.

Hopefully, I won’t eat those words one day.

But hanging out with a good guy sounds nice.

I’ve spent more than a decade in the counseling and research of love. I’ve been a relationship columnist for that same amount of time. I’ve spent years in counseling and research learning about myself and my mistakes.

Because this is where our love choices stem from.

Within our own selves.

I may write about my experiences with my ex-husband but I am the one who gravitated toward him. I had to do a great deal of self-discovery before I finally felt ready to meet a man.

I needed to regain my emotional well-being and heal.



Colleen Sheehy Orme
Hello, Love

National Relationship Columnist, Journalist & Former Business Columnist. I cover love, life, & relationships— #WomanResurrected