The Mindset Shift You Need to Break Away From Drama

Control-alt-delete the negativity; you don’t need it in your life.

Crystal Jackson
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2021


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I have quite the temper for a person who actively seeks peace, but I would argue that most of us who yearn for peace do so exactly because we haven’t always had the luxury of it. I feel like I clawed my way out of childhood and then spent my adulthood fighting for every single chance at happiness.

I just don’t want to fight anymore.

That’s a tough stance to take when my entire country is rending itself in two. While there will always be a part of me fighting for social justice, I am taking the fight out of my personal life completely.

I’m going to Control-Alt-Delete the fuck out of toxicity in my own personal universe, and here’s how.


Recently, a close family member who disagrees with every single value I hold dear decided to scroll through my page. Why anyone would go looking for an argument, I’ll never know, but here we are. Of course, then the messages began.

Instead of reacting the way I always have, I felt a mindset shift. While I could feel all the feelings about how love and respect should be a natural part of family relationships rather than a battleground, I felt a sudden…

