The Most Important Reason Not to Date

Sometimes, something’s gotta give.

Jennifer Bonfrisco
Hello, Love


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Some people are doing dry Jan or other versions of a New Years’ resolution.

Personally, it’s time to put my dating on hold for a few months. It’s not because the pool of potential partners is terrible; it’s not because I hate all men and women but because of me.

It might be best if everyone took ownership of their own actions and general behavior. Arent, you tired of the worn-out phrases about life doesn’t happen to you; you happen to life. Ugg, if I hear these cliches and childish metaphors one more time, the eye roll may cause permanent damage to my vision.

Even worse is when it’s said as if they are clever. OK, enough negativity; that’s not my thing; back to my spell of no dating.

I’m not dating because I don’t have the time. I can’t say I’m not interested in dating because I would love to have extra time to meet people. Look into their eyes and connect with another wise soul. Feel the butterflies while you start to fall for someone; it’s all really magical.

However, math has to factor in. There are 24 hours each day, and I need at least 8 hours of sleep. Plus, I have three school-aged kids, great friends, personal hobbies (like writing here), and a small business. Remember the dumb saying…



Jennifer Bonfrisco
Hello, Love

I am a pharma executive by day, writer and speaker in my heart. I write about things that make me ponder our journey here. Things about love and relationships