The Most Important Stage of Your Relationship

Pay special attention to this stage.

Ariana E.
Hello, Love


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Let’s start at the beginning.

We all want to know how to make a relationship “last” over time.

But truly, it’s the foundation of a relationship that sets the groundwork for how things are likely to play out. Though it may not be obvious at first, the beginning of a relationship can often predict the end.

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the very beginning of your relationship.

Who initiated?

Who did the pursuing and who was pursued? This is usually a huge indicator of who is more invested.

However, it is not always so clear. There is a running joke that women will “chase a man until he catches her.” Women will often let a man know she is interested, but then sit back and let him pursue her.

She may flirt, or make an effort to be around him, but then wait for him to initiate a first date, first kiss, or initial admission of his feelings for her.

Were there honest intentions?

Unfortunately, not all relationships begin with honest intentions. Cheating, rebounding, manipulating, and lying are not uncommon these days. Far too many…



Ariana E.
Hello, Love

I said what I said. Counter-cultural opinions on sex, love, and dating.