The Most Intimate Thing You Can Do With Your Partner

It’s not sex…

Kristina God, MBA
Hello, Love


The Most Intimate Thing You Can Do With Your Partner, Kristina God, People photo created by lookstudio

Recently, I read an article about early motherhood and sex drive. The essence from Laura Fox’s post: there is more to a deep relationship than sex. You can connect with your partner in many ways that don’t include sex. But with humans, sex seems to be on their minds all the time. Our society is almost obsessed with it.

Sex is the instrument of life

As the famous yogi Sadhguru says in his book ‘Inner Engineering’ regarding animals, ‘the urge is present in their body at certain times; otherwise they are free from it’. His plea: human beings should accept their biology for what it is. The instrument of life. Only because of it do we exist and because of us, so do our children.

We want to feel united with our partner

Especially as a young mother, the urge for sex and sensuousness is rooted in our wish to feel unity with our oftentimes neglected partner. (New) parenthood takes a lot from a human. Everything is thrown for a loop — our bodies, our sleep cycles, our daily lives. We experience fatigue and moodiness, which can make our intimacy difficult. We may not even feel ready psychologically. Furthermore, in the midst of our life, there is this new bond with our baby.



Kristina God, MBA
Hello, Love

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