The Opposite of Love Isn’t Hate

The opposite of love is indifference. But not everyone is ready for that conversation.

Golden Girl
Hello, Love


The definition of love is an intense feeling of deep affection.
The definition of hate is feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone).

So why do we think that the opposite of love is hate? It’s the concept of like vs. dislike. We think, if I don’t love you, I must hate you. This is not the case. The case is simple, if you don’t feel love, you feel nothing. Nothing is the opposite of love. Indifference.

Indifference can be defined as simple as having no particular interest or sympathy. Or even simpler, not caring. How do you know when you’ve gotten there? The same way you know you’re in love. You just know.

Your Heart Doesn’t Race

There is a pivot in your brain, in your heart, that happens when your phone lights up and it’s the person you either love or hate. That doesn’t happen. The tiny heart attack you feel when you see their name, the rush of blood to your cheeks when you read their words, the smile on your face when you answer the FaceTime. None of that happens. The feeling of nothing is overwhelming when you are indifferent.



Golden Girl
Hello, Love

A journey of losing myself, and finding myself. Join me.