The Pursuit Of Perfection In Relationships

What It Takes To Find The Perfect Relationship

Ria Vanessa Caliste
Hello, Love
5 min readApr 10, 2024


Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

In a world inundated with romantic comedies, fairy tales, and social media portrayals of seemingly flawless relationships, the pursuit of perfection in love has become a common aspiration.

However, as many of us have experienced, finding the perfect relationship is far from easy.

It requires more than just luck or chance; it demands self-awareness, effort, and a deep understanding of what truly makes a relationship fulfilling.

There are various factors that contribute to finding the perfect relationship, as we draw upon research, expert opinions, and personal insights to uncover what it takes to find such.

Before one is tempted to believe that perfection is this context means not without any flaws, it is on the contrary, the opposite.

Sometime ago I was amazed to see an online relationship advertisement. It stated so many requirements that I was of the belief that it was an employment advertisement, yet on reading realized it was someone seeking a partner.

The requirements ranged from height, size, color of skin, to cooking, what specific work they must be doing, what educational level required.

The incredulousness of it is hard to put in words.

As I read the advertisement, I couldn’t help but wonder if someone was to put the same requirements for the advertiser, would they be able to perfectly fulfil it?

Relationships are two individuals who are human and flawed.

As we embark on learning how to have the perfect relationship, it begins with first understanding this.

Defining the Perfect Relationship

Before embarking on the journey to find the perfect relationship, it’s crucial to understand what exactly constitutes perfection in this context.

Is it an absence of conflicts?

A constant state of bliss?

Or perhaps a sense of deep connection and understanding between partners?

Research suggests that the notion of a perfect relationship is subjective and varies greatly from person to person.

Dr. John Gottman, a renowned psychologist and relationship expert, suggests that a perfect relationship is not devoid of conflicts but rather characterized by effective communication and conflict resolution skills.

He emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence and empathy in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, individuals who perceive their relationship as perfect often prioritize mutual respect, trust, and support.

Furthermore, they tend to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

One of the fundamental pillars of finding the perfect relationship is self-discovery and personal growth.

Before seeking a partner, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of oneself — one’s values, goals, strengths, and weaknesses.

Only by knowing ourselves can we hope to find someone who truly complements us.

Psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck, in her research on mindset, emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset in relationships.

Individuals with a growth mindset believe that personal qualities can be developed through dedication and effort, fostering resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges.

In his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” author Stephen Covey highlights the significance of proactivity in relationships.

Rather than waiting for the perfect partner to appear, Covey argues that individuals should focus on becoming the kind of person they aspire to be, thereby attracting like-minded individuals into their lives.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

Effective communication lies at the heart of any successful relationship.

It involves not only expressing one’s thoughts and feelings but also listening attentively and empathetically to those of your partner.

Research indicates that couples who communicate openly and honestly are more likely to navigate conflicts constructively and maintain intimacy.

Dr. Sue Johnson, a leading expert in couples therapy, emphasizes the importance of emotional attunement in communication.

According to Johnson, couples who are attuned to each other’s emotional needs and responsive to bids for connection experience greater satisfaction in their relationships.

In their book “Nonviolent Communication,” psychologist Marshall Rosenberg introduces the concept of compassionate communication, which focuses on expressing oneself authentically while also empathizing with the other person’s perspective.

By fostering empathy and understanding, couples can avoid destructive patterns of communication and cultivate a deeper connection.

Building Trust and Intimacy

Trust and intimacy are the cornerstones of a perfect relationship.

Without trust, it’s challenging to feel secure and vulnerable with your partner, inhibiting the development of intimacy.

Research suggests that trust is built over time through consistent actions that demonstrate reliability, honesty, and integrity.

Dr. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher on vulnerability and shame, asserts that vulnerability is essential for cultivating intimacy in relationships.

By allowing ourselves to be seen and known, we create the opportunity for deep connection and understanding with our partners.

Psychologist Dr. Harville Hendrix, in his book “Getting the Love You Want,” introduces the concept of the “Imago Dialogue” as a tool for fostering intimacy. This dialogue involves structured communication exercises aimed at deepening empathy and understanding between partners, thereby enhancing trust and intimacy.

Nurturing the Relationship

Finding the perfect relationship is just the beginning; sustaining it requires ongoing effort and commitment.

Research suggests that couples who prioritize their relationship and invest time and energy into nurturing it are more likely to experience long-term satisfaction and happiness.

Dr. Gary Chapman, in his book “The 5 Love Languages,” identifies five primary ways in which people express and experience love: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.

By understanding and catering to each other’s love languages, couples can strengthen their bond and deepen their connection.

Relationship expert Dr. Gottman emphasizes the importance of rituals of connection in maintaining intimacy and closeness.

Whether it’s a weekly date night, daily check-ins, or shared hobbies, these rituals create opportunities for couples to reconnect and reaffirm their commitment to each other.

Finding the perfect relationship is a journey fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but it’s also a deeply rewarding and transformative experience.

By cultivating self-awareness, fostering effective communication, building trust and intimacy, and nurturing the relationship over time, individuals can increase their chances of finding and sustaining a partnership that brings fulfillment, joy, and growth.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of love and relationships, let us remember that perfection is not the absence of flaws but the presence of love, respect, and shared growth.



Ria Vanessa Caliste
Hello, Love

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: or