Wreckage on the Road to Reconciliation

The Righteous Idiots

Keith R Wilson
Hello, Love


Image by cogdogblog

The addiction, the madness, the lying, the cheating, and the selfishness have just done too much damage. Your relationship is crippled and you’re not sure whether it will ever be the same again. You’ve heard enough apologies, forgiven too much. You can’t forget all the things that have happened. You’ve hardened your heart, dug in, and hate.

I will not argue against the justice of your cause. Yes, she did things that were unwarranted, things that hurt. Bad behavior wrecks things and some of those things are your feelings. You probably can’t even count the number of disappointments. It’s your right. Your cause is just, but don’t be an idiot. Don’t be one of those people who think, just because they are right, they can afford to be stupid.

The most idiotic thing you can do

The supremely stupidest thing would be to harden your heart and refuse any attempt at reconciliation while you continue to live with your partner. You’ve seen couples like that, who live together in a home, protected by…

