The Security of Marriage is an Illusion

Do you give up on the idea of a wedding or the reality of a real relationship?

Wendy Newman
Hello, Love


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Ask Wendy: Dating, Sex & Relationship Advice for the Bold

Hey Wendy,

Should I give up on getting married and stay with my boyfriend? Or leave him so marriage can be in my future someday?

My boyfriend of two years was in a terrible marriage, and his divorce was pretty nasty.

He and I didn’t believe in marriage when we started dating. But then I had a change of heart as time went on. I saw what a good guy he is, how caring and loving, and how well he treats me. I started thinking of marriage and I hoped he’d change his mind too like I did. He’s still a firm “no” to marriage.

My fear is I’ll invest so many years in the relationship and if it dissolves, I’ll be left with nothing after investing time, love, and energy.

My boyfriend doesn’t want the legal bind but is willing to give me a full wedding to signify our unity/love in the eye of the public. I find it hurtful that he’s not willing to make it official.

We’re in our 40’s. He has an 11-year-old and I have a 16-year-old. He’s willing to live like a regular married couple and have the whole family under the same roof.



Wendy Newman
Hello, Love

Dating, Sex & Relationship Expert and Author of 121 First Dates (Simon & Schuster). Over 80,000 women trust Wendy’s advice, tools, & experience.