The Seven Traits that Men Find Most Attractive in Women

Hello, Love
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2022


Women might sometimes feel perplexed as to what other people find appealing. While beauty is primarily a question of personal opinion and perception, it is usual for specific characteristics to be mentioned when men get asked what they find beautiful in a woman in a poll. While some of these typical characteristics of beauty in women are physical, others have more to do with attitude.

The seven traits man find most attractive in women are:

  • Mutual Attraction and Love

Men want a lady they are drawn to and who they adore. Although it appears to be a given, the “love marriage” is a relatively recent development. Only a few decades ago, in the mid-1980s, men began to rate this attribute as the most important. Earlier in the twentieth century, trustworthiness, emotional maturity, and a charming personality were seen as more important qualities than love. Men and women are marrying for love, and marriages have evolved into unions of passion, friendship, support, and mutual attractiveness rather than alliances of blood and religion.

  • Beautiful hair

The color of one’s hair makes all the difference in the world. A good or terrible haircut may enhance or detract from a person’s wonderful personality. No matter what length of hair you retain or what hairstyle…



Hello, Love

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