The Tale of Bronze Cowboy: The Man Who Waited

Is love worth waiting for 25 years?

Anirban Kar
Hello, Love


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

As a 30-year-old Keith Stamets waited in a Station in Greece, he couldn’t help going back to how it all had started.

It was three years ago, in 1992. Fresh from college, Stamets had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit Greece. At the time, he had no idea what this trip had in store for him. At the time, he had no idea that it would not be a one-time tour.

It all changed because of her.

As this youthful local girl exchanged glances with him, Stamets felt like he had found something he had been missing all his life. She, too, felt an instant connection to the curious young stranger.

Since their first meet, Stamets had been traveling back and forth to Greece from America. Even though he could barely afford it, it was totally worth it.

The poor soul could not put a price on all the moments they had been creating together. Could he?



Anirban Kar
Hello, Love

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