The Terrible 5: 5 Triggers for the Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style

Ease the pain and move towards a secure lifestyle

Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love


Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Do you have fears about opening up and being vulnerable?

Showing up in relationships and being your “best self” can often feel like a tiring task, right?

Maybe you know the person you want to be, but you’re so affected by your past that you can’t even recognize the damage you’ve taken.

The truth is that these behavioral patterns come from having a dismissive-avoidant attachment style.

While this sounds like something you’ve never heard of, our attachment style is at the core of how we show up in relationships.

If you’re experiencing this, you’ll want to read into the emotional triggers at the center of your response in relationships.

Volatility in relationships

At a subconscious level, Dismissive avoidants place a high value on safety.

The irony is that this is due to the lack of safety they viewed in the relationships they saw during their childhood.

  • Dismissive avoidants tend to experience safety through consistency and predictability.
  • Emotional volatility can be…



Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love

Transforming your attachment style is the key to healthy relationships. Take the journey with me. Top-writer: Relationships, Love, Psychology, and Mental Health