The Three Elements Of Marriage

What I’ve learned after 7 years of marriage.

Ifie Natasha Brandon
Hello, Love


We were three months shy of our 7 year wedding anniversary when we sat down in our room, and asked, “Is this it? Has our marriage run its course?”

It was an honest moment. A real moment. We felt off; almost numb like we’d hit a plateau. That night, after doing some research on “the 7 year itch,” we realized we really needed to reconnect.

We’ve officially made it to our 7 year wedding anniversary and I’ve taken time to reflect on some of the things we’ve learned over the years.

I’ve come to the conclusion that each time we find ourselves unsatisfied, upset, or unfulfilled in our marriage, we need to revisit and categorize the problem.

I believe marriage has three elements: business, love, and partnership — a trinity if you will.

To truly evaluate ourselves, we need to know is this a business problem, a love problem, or a partnership problem?


The daily’s. Who is going to take out the trash and wash the dishes (if you decide to live together). Who is going to cook dinner on which nights? How…



Ifie Natasha Brandon
Hello, Love

Multi medium storyteller | Author | Yogi | Somewhere between Lauryn Hill, Nola Darling, & Jesus Christ