The Truth Behind the Divorce That Made Me Whole

Life’s not here to be perfect, and neither are you. It’s not here to be easy or give you a free ride.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


photo courtesy of author

By Erin Poredos

This is a picture from my honeymoon in 2015.

We were in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The weather was incredible and the views were magical. I remember standing at this very place, saying to myself… this is what life is all about — vacationing with my husband… the sun on my face and the wind at my back — I’ve finally gotten everything I wanted. But something… deep down didn’t feel right, something was off. I knew this feeling very well as it popped in and out periodically during our 8-year relationship. To me, our relationship was “perfect”, I mean every relationship has issues, right? So pushing unwanted feelings down, felt like the right thing to do… until it wasn’t.

My ex and I began our “love story” on a vacation just like this — it was all rainbows and fairy tales. We took trips together, we celebrated family milestones, we did all the relationship things. About 5 years into our relationship, my ex fell out of love with me. I didn’t realize it at the time but looking back, I see it clearly now. During our time together, I was constantly grasping for any piece of love or attention he would give me, yet he…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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