The Ultimate Guide to Approaching Women Without Being Creepy or Gross: Day 1

Ciaran Callam
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2023


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I’m gonna call it like it is. As a man, you’re in a position no woman will genuinely understand because you must make the first move. They can afford to sit back and let love and sex find them and know it will. However, if you do that, two things will happen.

  1. You’ll never have sex again
  2. You’ll die alone

So this is something you need to master as a matter of urgency and life or death. And no, that’s not an exaggeration.

But it’s scary, isn’t it?

Do you often see beautiful women out and about who you want to speak to but have no idea how to do so? Does the very thought get you tongue-tied and lost for words with:

  • Palms that are sweaty?
  • Knees that are weak?
  • And arms that are heavy?

Does the mere thought of stopping some girl going about her day make mom’s spaghetti churn in your gut, ready to make a volcanic eruption from your oesophagus?

If so, stay calm and ready because this is for you. I got you covered, meu amigo. I got you covered. Cause I’ve been exactly where you are right now. This 7-day course will give you the tools you need to find the confidence to approach hot women in a way…



Ciaran Callam
Hello, Love

6X top writer who helps men create the dating lives of their dreams. I’m also an author of female empowerment novels. I guess I’m an enigma.