These 2 Qualities Are Last on My List When I Go on a Date

And what really counts instead.

Jessica Gold, Ph.D.
Hello, Love


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

After trying out the waters in different countries, on different apps, and at different ages and stages in my life, here’s what I look for on a date with a man.

  1. Is he a good listener?
  2. Is he open to new experiences or does he have a lot of fixed ideas?
  3. Does he empathize with me?
  4. Is he in touch with his emotions?
  5. Does he ask me about me?
  6. Does he have standards and boundaries — he’s not just looking for ‘any’ woman
  7. Do we have shared political, religious, and sexual orientations?
  8. Do I feel any chemistry with him?
  9. Does he take care of himself physically, mentally & emotionally?
  10. Does he have a purpose, passion, or direction to pursue in life?

The 2 things that aren’t anywhere on this list:

  • Looks
  • Wealth

This probably comes as a surprise, since the majority of men come to work with me thinking they’ll never find a partner because they aren’t handsome enough or rich enough, and women only want that in a man. In fact, I’m often told that women are…



Jessica Gold, Ph.D.
Hello, Love

Executive Relationship Coach for Powerful Men and Couples | Instagram: @drjessicagold