These 3 Simple Traits Attract Women to Men In Huge Numbers

These men have all the lady friends and partners.

Annie Wegner
Hello, Love


Darshak Rana — Medium

A low-key flex

I joined the community of a cat guy on Instagram. Yes, he has toned muscles and lots of tattoos. But his exercise page doesn’t get as much engagement and love as his cat daddy profile.

He quit the exercise page. All this focus goes to the cat page. The shift was a simple decision; I assume he makes way more from cat affiliate links.

Men want to flex their arms and wealth.

Women like good-looking men who can also flex their non-physical qualities. He cleans up after three cats and cares for them like these pets are his children. Women love to see it. His DMs must have a ton of sneaky crawlers.

He is one of many accounts flooded by women because the man can do both. Look good and care for someone else.

You likely know this reference. The guy doesn’t show his face. He cooks delicious-looking meals with his abs displayed and has the dirtiest innuendo captions.

These men have all the women interested. Their singleness is a choice.

An overlooked view

