These Subtle Signs Let You Know Whether or Not She’s Attracted to You

Joe Elvin
Hello, Love
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2022


Photo by Gabriel Dizzi on Unsplash

Women don’t like to flirt blatantly.

They prefer to drop tiny hints when they’re attracted to a guy.

This reduces the risk of them appearing ‘easy’ and prevents them from being rejected by a man.

The problem is: the hints that women give are usually too indirect for men to notice.

That’s why I’ve decided to list 11 subtle behaviors that suggest a woman is attracted to you.

The more of these you spot, the more sure you can be that a woman wants you to make a move.

11 Subtle Signs A Woman Is Attracted To You

1. She Stands Closer To You Than Necessary

If a woman is turned off or feeling neutral towards you, she’ll always keep a respectable distance.

If she voluntarily breaches your personal space, she probably likes the cut of your jib.



Joe Elvin
Hello, Love

I help men to escape their comfort zones, improve their self-esteem and make smarter dating decisions. Buy my book 'Big Dick Energy' at