This Is Exactly How To Find Value in Being Alone

Find your inner strength and lead an independent life.

Manuela Putz
Hello, Love


Photo by Tobi from Pexels

I’m turning 29 in three weeks. When I was 19, I thought that by 29, I’d be a completely different person.

I assumed that I’d be someone who was married, has at least one child, and owns a nice apartment or a house (and maybe a dog).

During the past years, and especially during the past 12 months, my whole life and plans have changed, and it feels like all that I ever thought would be me by 29 has vanished into thin air.

And I didn’t see it coming at all.

The last 5 years passed by almost linearly. I started a great first job. I had a harmonious relationship and thought it would go on like this forever.

Within a very short time, my relationship ended. Head over heels, I moved out of our apartment, which used to be my home for 5 years. Additionally, Corona hit the world, and I started doing my job as a school teacher from home.

All my usual ways of connecting to other humans vanished, and I found myself sitting on the mattress in my new unfurnished apartment, which seemed to be permeated by silence and emptiness.

What the f**k happened to my life?



Manuela Putz
Hello, Love

Passionate Yoga Movement Teacher/ School Teacher / Living a quiet life in the countryside