This Is the Covert Narcissist’s Discard Process

Not only do they plan their exit strategies — they usually do a test run first

Hello, Love


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

November 20th, 2020

It was five days after my ex, Jamel’s, birthday.

I’d planned an intimate, surprise birthday celebration. I’d just done my laundry and cleaned out my room thoroughly, before laying out his gifts. I’d gotten him a card, along with a bouquet of flowers and a bamboo plant.

He was supposed to come by at 11 a.m. but called to say he got called into work and would be here by 11 p.m. instead.

When he got here we spent an intimate night together that didn’t involve sex because he was “too tired”. When I woke up, he kissed me before getting up to get ready to leave.

His clothes were in my room so he easily got dressed but then he did something weird.

He walked out of my room and came back in with the overnight bag he had left by the front door. This was strange because everything he needed was still in my room from the previous night.

His bag never even made it into my room,

So why would he need it?

I would get the answer to my question when I noticed he wouldn’t look in my direction…



Hello, Love

Evil prevails when good women write nothing. -LIN