This Is Why Financial Planning Is The Most Boring Part of Family Planning

Like seriously….

Mary Niazi
Hello, Love


  1. You already know the Drill:

This stuff is exactly like running drills in elementary school. Everybody hated it; even the Athletes. We would rather dissolve in a pool of our own sweat and self-loathing while our coach stood behind us, yelling us out of existence. We will still do anything to get out of running drills or financial planning.

2. There are is also a heck ton of Uncertainty:

As one smart band would say, “You can plan a Pretty picnic, But You Can’t Predict The Weather.” Same goes for family finances. You could budget out every cent evenly, and still come up short when it comes to both you and your partner’s car needing repairs, central bank inspired inflation or both of you aching for Chinese take-out at the end of a long work-day.

3. Rules were meant to be Broken:

We want monogamy, not monotony. There are some things even married people cannot adhere to; no matter how hard we try. Budget just happens to be one of them.

4. It’s all Fun and Games until the Tab Comes:

We can all daydream about the most delicious eatery spots we might wanna hit all across the town as a couple, or with our children. There’s a catch though: It’s only fun until the Bill comes. So off to the Kitchen we go. Not just the women this time.

5. Because Fuck Planning, That’s Why:

In theory at least, we are allowed to detest family planning as much as we want. It is the least glamorous and most demoralizing part of our lives. There is not much one can do to stop financial obligations from coming in. However, once in a while we can just drop this thing on it’s head and say “Fuck It”. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t know how to do so.



Mary Niazi
Hello, Love

I am Funny, Sometimes. IG@SociopathicTendencies